We can identify that drowsy driving is a clear safety issue on our streets and highways. Many fatigued drivers utilize quick fixes to try and stay awake, attempting to keep them aware of the road and the potential issues.

Unfortunately, these methods don’t always work. They’re temporary and enough fatigue can make any efforts unhelpful. Here are some of the quick fixes that people may try and how they work for some drivers on the road.


Many people utilize coffee or energy drinks to help them stay up for longer. The promise of increased focus is another selling point for many products, but the sugar (real and artificial) added to the products can cause a significant crash in which fatigue comes back even stronger. For some individuals, though, this fix can work temporarily.

Sometimes, the first drink of the caffeinated beverage will help, but further drinking will have diminishing returns, or even make the person sleepier. This can be especially problematic on long rides when it is uncertain as to when the caffeine will wear off.

Letting in Cold Air

Many people think a flash of cold air can keep them awake. They open their windows or turn on the air to help keep them awake. However, this ca be on a limited, temporary fix. In fact, many experts claim that colder temperatures can aid in making you drowsy. The falling body temperature can make it easier to fall asleep.

What Works

There are not many replacements for getting enough sleep. However, if you need a quick fix, and caffeine doesn’t do it, consider taking a break and pulling your vehicle into a safe area. For some individuals, a quick nap can also help. Most importantly, ensure you’re taking steps to avoid drowsy driving.

At Koenigsberg & Associates Law Offices, we’re committed to helping injured individuals in matters of negligence. If you suffer an injury because someone is driving drowsy, you have the right to pursue compensation for the damages you sustain. We’re here to help you through the complex process to recover from injuries caused by negligent behavior.

Call our firm today at (718) 690-3132.